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Chest-Only Compressions CPR Guide

Understanding the critical technique of performing chest-only compressions for CPR, an alternative method when rescue breaths are not possible.

Introduction to Chest-Only CPR

Chest-only compressions CPR is a lifesaving technique employed when providing rescue breaths is not feasible due to various reasons such as lack of personal protective equipment, presence of vomit, or facial injuries.

Why Choose Chest-Only Compressions?

  • Effective in circulating trapped oxygen in the bloodstream.
  • Facilitates minimal air exchange by compressing and releasing the chest.
  • Can sustain life until professional help arrives.

Procedure for Chest-Only CPR

  • Scene Safety: Ensure the area is safe before approaching the casualty.
  • Assessing the Casualty: Check for responsiveness and breathing after opening the airway.
  • Calling for Help: Immediately call emergency services if the casualty is not breathing.
  • Performing Compressions: Deliver continuous chest compressions at a depth of 5 to 6 centimetres and a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.

Executing Compressions Effectively

Interlock your hands and press down on the centre of the chest, ensuring to maintain the correct depth and rate without interruption for rescue breaths.

Communication and Rotation

  • Utilise speakerphone or bystander assistance to maintain communication with emergency services.
  • Rotate with a second rescuer every two minutes to maintain the effectiveness of compressions.
Key Points to Remember
  • Continuous chest compressions can still allow for minimal air exchange.
  • Maintain consistent compression depth and rate for maximum effectiveness.
  • Collaboration and clear communication enhance the rescue effort.